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Post Quote It List

  • Endpoint Path: /api/fresns/v1/post/{pid}/quotes
  • Method: GET
  • Request: Rest + Query

Headers Optional Parameter

KeyPublic Mode (Required)Private Mode (Required)

Path Variables

pidStringrequiredPost ID

Query Params

filterTypeStringoptionalwhitelist only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
blacklist removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
filterKeysStringoptionalMultiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
filterGroupTypeStringoptionalwhitelist only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
blacklist removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
Applies only to the group parameter in the returned result
filterGroupKeysStringoptionalMultiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
filterHashtagTypeStringoptionalwhitelist only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
blacklist removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
Applies only to the hashtags parameter in the returned result
filterHashtagKeysStringoptionalMultiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
filterGeotagTypeStringoptionalwhitelist only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
blacklist removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
Applies only to the geotag parameter in the returned result
filterGeotagKeysStringoptionalMultiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
filterAuthorTypeStringoptionalwhitelist only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
blacklist removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
Applies only to the author parameter in the returned result
filterAuthorKeysStringoptionalMultiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
filterQuotedPostTypeStringoptionalwhitelist only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
blacklist removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
Applies only to the quotedPost parameter in the returned result
filterQuotedPostKeysStringoptionalMultiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
filterPreviewLikeUserTypeStringoptionalwhitelist only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
blacklist removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
Applies only to the previewLikeUsers parameter in the returned result
filterPreviewLikeUserKeysStringoptionalMultiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
filterPreviewCommentTypeStringoptionalwhitelist only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
blacklist removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
Applies only to the previewComments parameter in the returned result
filterPreviewCommentKeysStringoptionalMultiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
pageSizeNumberoptionalNumber of items per page (default 15 items)
pageNumberoptionalPage number (default 1)


    "code": 0,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "pagination": {
            "total": "Number / How much data in total",
            "pageSize": "Number / How much data on each page",
            "currentPage": "Number / Current page number",
            "lastPage": "Number / Last page number"
        "list": [
                // Common Data Structure -> Post Info

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