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Column NameTypeCommentDefaultNullRemark
idbigint UNSIGNEDPrimary Key IDNOAuto Increment
file_idbigint UNSIGNEDFile IDNORelated field files->id
Not a unique value, one file can be associated with multiple additional information
file_typetinyint UNSIGNEDFile Type1NO1.Image / 2.Video / 3.Audio / 4.Document
usage_typetinyint UNSIGNEDUsage Type1NOSee Number Description
platform_idtinyint UNSIGNEDPlatform IDNODictionary Key Value -> Platform Number
Platform where the operation takes place
table_namevarchar(64)Source Table NameNOWhich table
table_columnvarchar(64)Source Column NameNOWhich column is the file value
table_idbigint UNSIGNEDSource Table Primary Key IDYESWhich data record's file, the Primary Key ID of that record
table_keyvarchar(64)Source Table IdentifierYESIf the data record is not based on Primary Key ID, fill in the identifier of the data record
For example: The configuration table is not based on Primary Key ID, so the key name is used as the identifier.
Another example is the plugin table identifier, Related field apps->fskey
sort_ordersmallint UNSIGNEDSortingYES
more_infojsonSpare FieldYES
account_idbigint UNSIGNEDAccount IDYESRelated field accounts->id
user_idbigint UNSIGNEDUser IDYESRelated field users->id
created_attimestampCreate TimeuseCurrentNOFor example, MySQL defaults to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
updated_attimestampUpdate TimeYES
deleted_attimestampDelete TimeYES

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