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Column NameTypeCommentDefaultNullRemark
idint UNSIGNEDPrimary Key IDNOAuto Increment
app_fskeyvarchar(64)Related PluginNORelated field apps->fskey
Which plugin created it
codevarchar(32)CodeNOUnique,English letters only, no symbols or spaces supported
usage_typetinyint UNSIGNEDUsage TypeNOContent Type
usage_group_idint UNSIGNEDUsed for group content0NORelated field groups->id
Use with post or comment
form_typevarchar(16)Form ElementNO
form_optionsjsonOption Type Configuration ValueYESMultilingual
Array format, Provides option values for select, checkbox, radio, etc.
is_tree_optiontinyint UNSIGNEDIs tree option0NO0.No / 1.Yes
is_multipletinyint UNSIGNEDIs Multiple0NO0.No / 1.Yes Valid for select element
is_requiredtinyint UNSIGNEDIs Required0NO0.No / 1.Yes
file_typetinyint UNSIGNEDFile TypeYESform_type=file
1.Image / 2.Video / 3.Audio / 4.Document
input_patternvarchar(128)Custom Regular ExpressionYES
input_maxsmallint UNSIGNEDMaximum ValueYES
input_minsmallint UNSIGNEDMinimum ValueYES
input_maxlengthsmallint UNSIGNEDMaximum LengthYES
input_minlengthsmallint UNSIGNEDMinimum LengthYES
sort_ordersmallint UNSIGNEDSorting Order9NOAscending order
is_enabledtinyint UNSIGNEDIs Valid1NO0.Invalid / 1.Valid
Invalid after, all related are invalid
created_attimestampCreate TimeuseCurrentNOFor example, MySQL defaults to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
updated_attimestampUpdate TimeYES
deleted_attimestampDelete TimeYES

Introduction to the form_type field

form_typeHTML CodeDescription
input<input type="text">Single-line text
textarea<textarea></textarea>Multi-line text
select<select></select>Dropdown select
radio<input type="radio">Radio
checkbox<input type="checkbox">Checkbox
color<input type="color">Color picker
time<input type="time">Time picker
date<input type="date">Date picker
month<input type="month">Month picker
datetime<input type="datetime-local">Date and time picker
number<input type="number">Number input
email<input type="email">Email input
url<input type="url">URL input
file<input type="file">Single file upload
tags<input type="text">Tags input, format ["tag", "tag"]

Introduction to the form_options field

    "{langTag}": [
        {"name": "IT", "value": 1, "options": [
            {"name": "Internet", "value": 11, "options": []}
        {"name": "Manufacturing", "value": 2, "options": []},
        {"name": "Medical", "value": 3, "options": []},
        {"name": "Finance", "value": 4, "options": []},
        {"name": "Business", "value": 5, "options": []},
        {"name": "Culture", "value": 6, "options": []},
        {"name": "Art", "value": 7, "options": []},
        {"name": "Law", "value": 8, "options": []},
        {"name": "Education", "value": 9, "options": []},
        {"name": "Administration", "value": 10, "options": []}

Released under the Apache-2.0 License