Geotag Info
"gtid": "String / Geotag ID",
"url": "String / Geotag Detail Page URL",
"name": "String / Geotag Name",
"cover": "String / Geotag Cover Image",
"description": "String / Geotag Description",
"placeId": "String / Map Place ID",
"placeType": "String / Map Place Type",
"mapId": "Number / Latitude and Longitude Map ID",
"latitude": "String / Latitude",
"longitude": "String / Longitude",
"continent": "String / Continent Name",
"continentCode": "String / Continent Code",
"country": "String / Country Name",
"countryCode": "String / Country Code",
"region": "String / Province Name",
"regionCode": "String / Province Code",
"city": "String / City Name",
"cityCode": "String / City Code",
"district": "String / District Name",
"address": "String / Address",
"zip": "String / Postal Code",
"viewCount": "Number / View Count",
"likeCount": "Number / Total Like Count",
"dislikeCount": "Number / Total Dislike Count",
"followCount": "Number / Total Follow Count",
"blockCount": "Number / Total Block Count",
"postCount": "Number / Total Post Count",
"postDigestCount": "Number / Total Digest Post Count",
"commentCount": "Number / Total Comment Count",
"commentDigestCount": "Number / Total Digest Comment Count",
"createdDatetime": "String / Geotag Creation Datetime",
"createdTimeAgo": "String / Human-readable Time",
"lastPublishPostDateTime": "String / Last post publishing time",
"lastPublishPostTimeAgo": "String / Human-readable Time",
"lastPublishCommentDateTime": "String / Last comment time",
"lastPublishCommentTimeAgo": "String / Human-readable Time",
"distance": "Number / Distance between the geotag location and me",
"unit": "String / Unit of distance from me, km or mi",
"moreInfo": {
// Data Table geotags->more_info
"archives": [
// Common Data Structure -> Extend Archive Info
"operations": {
// Common Data Structure -> Extend Operation Info
"interaction": {
"likeEnabled": "Boolean / Whether like is allowed",
"likeName": "String / Custom Like Action Name",
"likeUserTitle": "String / User title for like interactive",
"likePublicRecord": "Boolean / Whether the records is public",
"likePublicCount": "Boolean / Whether the count is public",
"dislikeEnabled": "Boolean / Whether dislike is allowed",
"dislikeName": "String / Custom Dislike Action Name",
"dislikeUserTitle": "String / User title for dislike interactive",
"dislikePublicRecord": "Boolean / Whether the records is public",
"dislikePublicCount": "Boolean / Whether the count is public",
"followEnabled": "Boolean / Whether follow is allowed",
"followName": "String / Custom Follow Action Name",
"followUserTitle": "String / User title for follow interactive",
"followPublicRecord": "Boolean / Whether the records is public",
"followPublicCount": "Boolean / Whether the count is public",
"blockEnabled": "Boolean / Whether block is allowed",
"blockName": "String / Custom Block Action Name",
"blockUserTitle": "String / User title for block interactive",
"blockPublicRecord": "Boolean / Whether the records is public",
"blockPublicCount": "Boolean / Whether the count is public",
"likeStatus": "Boolean / Like Status",
"dislikeStatus": "Boolean / Dislike Status",
"followStatus": "Boolean / Follow Status",
"blockStatus": "Boolean / Block Status",
"note": "String / My interaction note (follow or block)"