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Path Variables

Whether it is website or mobile application, the use of plug-ins is embedded in API by URL. Configure the associated plug-in in the administrator control panel. After configuration, users can operate the associated extended content when the editor publishes the content, or click to enter the plug-in page when the client is in use.

Path Config

  • Path of plug-in is configured in accessPath parameter of plugin.json file.
  • After the plug-in is installed, it will be read and stored in the apps->access_path data table field.

Variable List

Variable NameDescription
{accessToken}Access Token and quick login
Generate accessToken
{postMessageKey}Callback identification name
Client receiving callback message as postMessage
{redirectUrl}Redirect URL, use urlencode()
Support for {loginToken} variable name in URL
{connectPlatformId}Connect Platform ID
{aid}Account ID
{uid}User ID
{rid}Role ID
{gid}Group ID
{htid}Hashtag ID
{gtid}Geotag ID
{pid}Post ID
{cid}Comment ID
{fid}File ID
{eid}Content Extend ID
{hpid}History Post ID
{hcid}History Comment ID
{viewType}View Type list, detail, quoted
{draftType}Draft Type post or comment
{draftOptions}Draft options, same as creating a draft Body parameters are the same, the object format is converted to a string.
{did}Draft ID
{uploadInfo}Upload Parameters usageType,usageFsid,type,archiveCode Separated by commas
See Upload File API
e.g. postDraft,did,image,archiveCode
{mapInfo}Map Parameters mapId,latitude,longitude Separated by commas
Map ID
e.g. 2,1.2803074,103.8610191
{parameter}Custom Parameter

Released under the Apache-2.0 License