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Content Handler Plugin Development

API involved

Post List

Endpoint PathDescriptionCommand Word
/api/fresns/v1/post/listGet post all listgetPosts
/api/fresns/v1/post/timelinesGet post list by timelinesgetPostsByTimelines
/api/fresns/v1/post/nearbyGet post list by nearbygetPostsByNearby
/api/fresns/v1/comment/listGet comment all listgetComments
/api/fresns/v1/comment/timelinesGet comment list by timelinesgetCommentsByTimelines
/api/fresns/v1/comment/nearbyGet comment list by nearbygetCommentsByNearby

Post Detail

Endpoint PathDescriptionCommand Word
/api/fresns/v1/post/detailGet post detailgetPostDetail
/api/fresns/v1/comment/detailGet comment detailgetCommentDetail
Endpoint PathDescriptionCommand Word
/api/fresns/v1/search/usersSearch UserssearchUsers
/api/fresns/v1/search/groupsSearch GroupssearchGroups
/api/fresns/v1/search/hashtagsSearch HashtagssearchHashtags
/api/fresns/v1/search/geotagsSearch GeotagssearchGeotags
/api/fresns/v1/search/postsSearch PostssearchPosts
/api/fresns/v1/search/commentsSearch CommentssearchComments

Content Review

Endpoint PathDescriptionCommand Word

Content PublishreviewNotice

This command word is requested when the content triggers an review.

Request Example
$reviewService = ConfigHelper::fresnsConfigByItemKey('content_review_service');

$wordType = match ($type) {
    'post' => 1,
    'comment' => 2,

$wordBody = [
    'type' => $wordType,
    'logId' => $draft->id,


Request Process

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
headersObjectrequiredAPI Headers parameter
bodyObjectrequiredThe Body parameter of the corresponding API
typeStringoptionalgetPostByFollow and getCommentByFollow specific
fsidStringoptionalgetPostDetail and getCommentDetail specific, pid or cid

Request Example:

$wordBody = [
    'headers' => AppHelper::getHeaders(),
    'body' => $dtoRequest->toArray(),
    'type' => '',
    'fsid' => '',


Return Example:

After the plug-in processes the request and returns the data, the main program would transmit the returned data to its API interface directly.

  • It is recommended that the plug-in outputs according to the parameter format of the corresponding API, so as to ensure that different client-end could use the plug-in directly.
  • If your client-end is a customized one, the plug-in could also return the output in the format required by the customized client if there are any special requirements.

Additional information

Public Mode: site_mode=public

  • Unlogged in
      1. Do not output private group posts groups->type_mode=2
      1. Judge whether a post has any permission conditions post_appends->is_read_locked
      • If there is no permission condition, output the content normally, otherwise the content should be output according to the permission configuration directly (percentage, button text, and plugin)
      • Percentage post_appends->read_pre_percentage
      • Button Text post_appends->read_btn_name
      • Plugin post_appends->read_plugin_fskey
      • Reference App\Fresns\Api\Services\PostService::contentHandle
  • Logged in
      1. Do not output private group posts groups->type_mode=2 unless the user has already followed(user_follows) the group.
      1. Screen posts of blocked accounts user_blocks->block_id
      • block_type=1 Posts by this user
      • block_type=2 Posts under the group
      • block_type=3 Posts related to this hashtag
      • block_type=4 The post
      1. Judge whether a post has any permission conditions post_appends->is_read_locked. The logic is the same as above

Private Mode: site_mode=private

  • Unlogged in
      1. Do not output post lists.
  • Logged in
      1. Role permission, whether the role has the right to view roles->permission['content_view']
      1. Whether users->expired_at is within the validity period (permanently effective if left empty)
      • 2.1 site_private_end_after=1 If expired, the content should invisible. In this case, the post lists should not be output.
      • 2.2 site_private_end_after=2 If expired, the content that has not expired is visible. In this case, only the list of posts before the expiration date could be output.
      • 2.3 Within the validity period, all post lists should be output.
    • Other logged-in scenarios with the same logic as the public mode (private groups, blocked accounts, post permission)

Content output and parse logic (including comment content)

  • It is necessary to part and output content of the corresponding format when outputting contents (hashtag, links, mention, and sticker).
    • Reference App\Utilities\ContentUtility::handleAndReplaceAll
  • To output content, the filter words should be replaced.
    • Reference App\Utilities\ContentUtility::replaceBlockWords

Send View Notification

If you are using yourself content data, it is recommended that you use the View Notification feature.

use App\Utilities\SubscribeUtility;

SubscribeUtility::notifyViewContent($type, $fsid, $viewType, $authUserId);

Released under the Apache-2.0 License