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Extending Fresns

The Fresns extension is based on the Plugin Manager package and extends and enriches the main Fresns application with modular plugins.

Directory Structure

fresns/             // Main program root directory
└── plugins/            // Plugins directory
    └── DemoPlugin/         // Example plugin
        ├── app/
        ├── config/
        ├── database/
        ├── resources/
   ├── assets/
   ├── fresns.png  // Plugin cover image (square), must be present and fixed in position
   ├── js/
   └── app.js
   └── sass/
       └── app.scss
   ├── lang/
   └── views/
        ├── routes/
        ├── tests/
        ├── plugin.json
        └── composer.json

File Publish

When the plugin is installed and published, static resources are distributed to the public directory.

Plugin FolderPublish to the site resource directory
Other FileNo Publish

plugin.json Config File

    "fskey": "DemoPlugin", // The only key, upper camel case
    "name": "Demo Plugin",
    "description": "This is the demo plugin",
    "author": "Jevan Tang",
    "website": "",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "providers": [
    "autoloadFiles": [
        // autoload files
    "aliases": {},
    "panelUsages": [
        // Plugin usage scenarios
    "accessPath": "/mall", // Front-end visitor page path
    "settingsPath": "/mall/admin" // Back-end settings page path
  • Plugin usage scenario panelUsages parameters
Usage KeyDescriptionControl Panel Location
storageStorage Service ProviderPanel->Systems->Storage
documentPreviewDocument Preview ServicePanel->Systems->Storage->Document
joinConfiguration of the "private mode" registration functionPanel->Systems->General
sendEmailEmail Service ProviderPanel->Systems->Send
sendSmsSMS Service ProviderPanel->Systems->Send
appNotificationsMobile Notification Service ProviderPanel->Systems->Send
accountCenterAccount Center SupportPanel->Systems->Account
accountRegisterAccount Register SupportPanel->Systems->Account
accountLoginAccount Register SupportPanel->Systems->Account
accountConnectAccount Connect SupportPanel->Systems->Account
accountKycReal Name Authentication SupportPanel->Systems->Account
accountUsersMulti-User Manage ServicesPanel->Systems->Account
walletRechargeWallet Recharge Service ProviderPanel->Systems->Wallet
walletWithdrawWallet Withdrawal Service ProviderPanel->Systems->Wallet
editorEditor PluginPanel->Operations->Publish
followGroupGroup Follow Mode SupportPanel->Operations->Groups
extendIpIP Service ProvidersPanel->Extends->Content Handler
extendMapMap Service ProvidersPanel->Extends->Content Handler
extendNotificationNotification ProviderPanel->Extends->Content Handler
extendReviewReview Service ProviderPanel->Extends->Content Handler
extendDataData Service ProviderPanel->Extends->Content Handler
extendSearchSearch Service ProvidersPanel->Extends->Content Handler
extendContentTypeContent Type ExtensionsPanel->Extends->Content Type
extendEditorEditor ExtensionsPanel->Extends->Editor
extendManageManagement ExtensionsPanel->Extends->Manage
extendGroupGroup ExtensionsPanel->Extends->Group
extendUserUser Function ExtensionsPanel->Extends->User Feature
Panel->Extends->User Profile
extendChannelChannel ExtensionsPanel->Extends->Channel
apiKeyPlugin requires key servicePanel->App Center->App Keys

composer.json Config File

    "name": "fresns/fresns-email",
    "license": "Apache-2.0",
    "require": {
        "laravel/email": "^2.0"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Plugins\\FresnsEmail\\": "./"

Released under the Apache-2.0 License